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News Brief

July 29, 2019 |  By: Keegan Cooper

New pest attacking soybeans

Soybean gall midge larvae was found in Atchison County last week. The pest has also been reported in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and Minnesota. Field Specialist Wayne Flanary says this is a new soybean insect pest that officials don't know much about yet.

"It's a small orange worm that attacks the base of the plant and it's a very very tiny worm.  It's hard to see.  But they're bright orange.  So it's a new insect pest and we don't know much about it at this point."

This pest is typically found along the edge of soybean fields and attacks the base of the plant causing the plant to wilt or breakover. Flanary adds that anyone that finds this along the edge of their soybean fields should contact the Holt County Extension office in order to help identify how far the pest is spreading